

Widening Our Scope with Webinars

Our First Webinar: Blended Learning

A slide from our webinar on Blended Learning.
Leading Educators launched its first webinar for Fellows and staff on a Saturday morning earlier this month. The timely topic was Blended Learning. This new innovation in education is the fusion of technology and differentiated learning; it brings online education into classrooms and into students’ home lives in order to meet students where they are and allow them to take their own learning to the next level. Blended Learning empowers teachers to work directly in small groups while some of their students are on computers; many of the online programs provide teachers with real-time data reporting out how students are performing in online coursework so that teachers can quickly determine what to reteach or where students may be ready for advanced learning.

The webinar’s objective was to enable participants to create and implement a plan to utilize whatever technologies currently exist in their schools. The webinar allowed time for participants to become familiar with the terminology of Blended Learning, walked participants through potential classroom set-ups to incorporate blended learning, highlighted exemplary schools that modeled various ways to incorporate the technology, and gave participants time to interact with many of the websites and programs that are currently available to teachers and students.

Anna Lavely, a Kansas City Fellow who attended the webinar, had this to say about it:

“The webinar was engaging and interactive which allowed me to visually see and try the new technology rather than just hear or read about it. I have already begun incorporating some of the Blended Learning practices that were addressed in the webinar through the sites shown for the ‘re-teaching’ of concepts in station format.”

Leading Educators is excited to offer more of our professional development sessions to a wider audience via webinar in the coming months. Please stay up to date at @leadingeds and join us on the webinar that’s right for you in the near future!  

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